- July 31, 2023
- Sepu_Admin
- 0
SEPU on a Delivery Mission
- Kalacha Nomadic girls boarding Primary School
School Equipment Production Unit team(Ms. Jane Mwai- Sales, Mr. Robin Momanyi- Stores and Nicasio Njue- Logistics) delivered a mobile laboratory bench and an Integrated Science kit to Kalacha Nomadic girls boarding Primary School in Chalbi, North Horr, Marsabit county on June 25, 2023.
The SEPU team was accompanied by the County Director of education Mr. Maki, county Quality Assurance System director Mr. Wanyama, DCC Maikona-Kalacha, Concern WorldWide officers and other education officials. Kalacha school headteacher and teachers were taken through the key functions of mobile laboratory bench and Integrated Science kit. Later on, the SEPU team planted trees as a way of honoring School Equipment Production Unit.
Tree Planting Session
2.0 Walda primary and Junior Secondary School
Walda primary and Junior Secondary School recieving their mobile laboratory bench and Intergrated Science kit for grade 7. Learners and teachers were inducted on the usage of the equipment as the occasion was graced by county Quality Assurance official, subcounty Director of Education-Sololo, members of Parent Teacher Association(PTA), the school headteacher and science teachers from neighbouring Walda Secondary School.
3.0 Bubisa Primary School
School Equipment Production Unit team delivered a mobile laboratory bench and an Integrated Science kit for grade 7 to Bubisa primary school in Marsabit county. The school headteacher, county Quality Assurance official, science teacher and grade 7 learners received the equipment with a lot of excitement. The receiving of the mobile laboratory bench and Integrated Science kit attracted the county Director of Education, BOM chair and science teachers from neighboring Bubisa secondary school and the community around the school.